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Jegit - Pour La Vie

Chia Seeds 1kg

Chia Seeds 1kg

Regular price €6,99
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Chia Seeds: Superfood for Your Health and Kitchen

✅ Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Chia seeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, supporting the cardiovascular system and helping to maintain normal cholesterol levels.

✅ High in Fiber: With their high fiber content, chia seeds promote healthy digestion and can help create a lasting feeling of fullness.

✅ Rich in Antioxidants: The antioxidants in chia seeds protect cells from free radicals, contributing to overall well-being.

✅ Source of Plant-Based Protein: As a good source of protein, chia seeds support muscle building and are an excellent addition to vegetarian and vegan diets.

✅ Calcium for Bone Health: Chia seeds contain more calcium than most dairy products, making them an important dietary supplement for strong bones and teeth.

✅ Versatile in Use: Whether in smoothies, baked goods, or as pudding – chia seeds are extremely versatile and can add a nutritious component to numerous dishes.

Discover the Power of Nature: Chia Seeds for Your Well-Being – Shop Now!

Discover the power of chia seeds and enrich your daily diet with a superfood that supports your health in various ways. Ideal for anyone who values a balanced diet – from fitness enthusiasts to health-conscious individuals. Add chia seeds to your shopping cart today and experience the positive changes in your well-being!

Creative in the Kitchen: Versatile Recipe Ideas with Chia Seeds

Explore the versatility of chia seeds with our inspiring recipe ideas that will delight your taste buds and enrich your diet in a delicious way. Start your day with a nutritious chia pudding that can be easily prepared overnight. Mix chia seeds with your favorite milk, sweeten as desired with honey or maple syrup, and let the mixture sit in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, just top with fresh fruits and nuts for a perfect breakfast.

For those who don't want to miss out on their nutrients on the go, homemade energy bars are an ideal snack option. Combine chia seeds with oats, chopped nuts, dried fruits, and bind everything with honey or another natural sweetener. Bake the mixture until it solidifies, then cut into handy bars. These bars are perfect for staving off hunger between meals while also providing an energy boost.

Enrich your smoothies with a tablespoon of chia seeds to give your morning drinks an extra boost of nutrients. The seeds add an interesting texture and are an excellent addition to any fruit and vegetable combination you prefer. Whether in a green smoothie with spinach and avocado or in a fruity shake with berries and banana – chia seeds easily enhance the nutritional value of your drink.

For a quick and healthy lunch, try a refreshing chia salad. Mix chia seeds with quinoa, fresh vegetables like cucumbers, tomatoes, and spinach, and add some feta and olive oil for an extra flavor kick. The chia seeds give the salad a special texture and make it even more filling.

As a healthy addition to your main dishes, chia seeds can also be incorporated into bread doughs or muffins. They not only provide an additional source of nutrients but also a pleasant texture. A simple whole grain bread with chia seeds can be a hearty accompaniment to soups and salads or serve as the basis for a nutritious sandwich.

With these recipe ideas, you can fully enjoy the wonderful properties of chia seeds while simultaneously creating creative and healthy dishes that nourish both your body and your mind.

From Field to Plate: The Careful Art of Chia Seed Harvesting

The harvesting of chia seeds, derived from the Salvia hispanica plant, is a process that combines traditional knowledge with modern technology to ensure the highest quality of these nutrient-rich seeds. The plant, which originated in Central and South America, now thrives across the globe, cultivated in temperate climates and nutrient-rich soils. After about 100 to 120 days of growth, during which the plant develops its characteristic purple or white flowering blooms, the carefully timed harvest begins.

The ideal time for harvest arrives when a majority of the flower stands have faded, and the seed capsules take on a gray-brown color, signaling the seeds' maturity. Precision in timing is crucial: Harvesting too early can result in seeds with too high moisture content, affecting their longevity, while delayed harvesting risks the loss of seeds through bursting capsules.

In practice, harvesting is done both manually and mechanically. While smaller farms often tend toward manual harvesting, where plants are carefully cut by hand and laid out to dry, larger agricultural operations employ specialized machines. These can efficiently harvest the plants, separate the seeds from the stems, and simultaneously remove impurities.

A critical step following the harvest is the drying process, aimed at minimizing the moisture content of the seeds. This can be done either through natural sunlight or in controlled drying facilities. Careful control of the drying process is essential to prevent mold formation and maximize the seeds' shelf life.

Once the chia seeds are adequately dried, they undergo a final cleaning process, where they are freed from remaining plant parts and other impurities. This ensures that only the pure, nutrient-rich seeds are packaged and eventually offered for sale. This entire process, from careful harvesting through drying to cleaning, reflects a deep understanding and respect for nature and the life cycles of plants. It also shows a commitment to sustainable agriculture aimed at preserving the valuable properties of chia seeds as they make their way from the field to your plate.

Average nutritional values per 100g
Calorific value (in kcal): 464
Calorific value (in kj): 1911
Fat: 35.0
of which saturated fatty acids: 3.3
Carbohydrates: 1.2
of which sugar: 0.8
Dietary fibre: 32.0
Protein: 20.0
Salt: 0.0
Product properties:
Ingredients: 100% chia seeds
Cross contamination: Despite careful processing, traces of GLUTEN, CASHEWS, PEANUTS, SESAME & other TREE NUTS may be present.
Label note: Ingredients, nutritional values, and packaging may vary. For accurate information, please refer to the product description.
Storage advice: Store in a cool and dry place.
Origin: Paraguay
Best before date: 2026-10-27
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Claudia D.D.

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